Søstrene Storaas

Address: Jondalsveien 1530, 3614 Kongsberg
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Historic Hotels | At Søstrene Storaas, located in Jondalen, near Kongsberg, you can see the crocodile who ate their grandfather's dog hanging over the reception.

You can also taste their grandma's homemade caramel pudding with sauce made using real buttercup caramel - and sleep in rooms with names such as Dynamite-Harry, the Leopard and Generous Diva.

Søstrene Storaas (The Storaas Sisters) consists of chef Solveig, adventurer Henriette and actress Else. Else tells stories for the guests whilst Solveig is in the kitchen cooking their food. Their passion truly shows throughout the hotel. In 2014, they took over the hotel from their parents who first opened it back in 1995. But the farm itself dates all the way back to 1751.

With pigs out the back on the farm, the sisters pride themselves on what they believe is Norway's most local traditional rib - fetched from about 100 meters behind the house. They also make their own bacon and salami - right there on the premises.

Facilities and services

Room facilities
Non smoking
Eat & Drink on site


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